It’s funnier to see these on the actual site with the visuals. Click here to go my author page on The Hard Times. I’ll add to this list if I write any more for them. Or just follow them on Instagram and see it all in the wild.
Opinion: Music Used to Be Way Better Back When I Was on Drugs
I hate to be one of “those guys,” but I’m starting to notice that music nowadays sucks. I can’t quite put my finger on it… Read the article
We Interviewed the Guy Who Puts Band Stickers Inside Urinals and He Touched a Lot of Stuff in Our Office
We’ve all seen them: band stickers inside of urinals, the part where pee goes, and wondered who puts them there and why. Read the article
If I’m Such an Alcoholic How Come I’m Still Good to Drive?
Listen pussies, I’m not going to “tone down” my drinking just because you claim I have a problem. Sure, my bar-top dancing got us kicked… Read the article
This Music Festival Just Released the Lineup of Drugs You’ll Be Taking
Although Coachella and Paradiso have come and gone, existing now only as a vape cloud of fragmented memories in our Instagram feed, there’s still a… Read the article
Help! I’m Pretty Good at My Job and It’s Ruining My Music Career
Boy, is my life in shambles these days. I just got promoted to district manager of Omega Printz and it’s been a huge disaster. Read article here
When This Vinyl Newbie Wanted to Share Our Enthusiasm for Records, We Banded Together to Make Him Feel Stupid and Inferior
We could tell the instant Jacob Spivey walked into Sunnyside Music that he didn’t know a single thing about records. Read the article